Why there are so many jar file?

Smokestack has a modular approach, where only the necessary modules (jar files) will have to be included in projects. The setup should also allow mix-and-match of mock and real JEE component implementations.


Should I just run a JEE container embedded?

The JEE runtime containers by definition are geared to be a runtime implementation, while Smokestack targets testing, offering a lean implementation, validation of component states, and easy way to override functionality, allowing to exercise code all kinds of ways.


Why do you have methods starting with underscore. Isn't this against Java naming convention?

This has been discussed and discussed again. There were two options available. Prefix the methods to be overridden by say "mock" e.g mockSetLong() but the readability was getting affected as compared to "_setLong()". But the convincing argument was that we are never overriding the JEE methods but providing some way of allowing you to handle the behavior of that particular method without taking away the benefits of the framework.


Do I have to override all methods prefixed with "_"?

No not always. You will however override "all" methods that throw "NeedsMockImplementation" exception. We have tried to provide implementation to most of the methods. However there are "Edge Interactions" that have to be overriden. Example of this would be resultSet.next(). We have no idea what the return should be in this case. Do you want a true or do you want a false. Instead of introducing ambuguity and you trying to deciper what is the default value, we throw "NeedsMockImplementation" that will force you to override the corresponding "_next()" method.


I want to override the default functionality. Do I always override methods prefixed with "_"?

Yes. You will always override the corresponding method prefixed with "_". This ensures that the internal state of the mock container is managed appropriately. However this does not mean that you cannot override the actual JEE method. If you do override, however, you should be aware that the state of the mock container is undefined from that point onwards and the convenience assertions methods provided will not work.


I am getting "NotYetImplemented" exception. What does it mean?

We have tried to cover as much area in each module as possible but we have not covered all of the functionality. In those circumstances, the mock container will throw "NotYetImplemented". It basically means that we do not have a testcase to test that functionality. So if you do encounter the "NotYetImplemented" exception send us your testcase and we will try to get a solution as soon as possible.


Can I help in something?

Of course you can. You are more than welcome to send us feedback, suggestion, recommendation, code etc. We would love to hear from you at Github.
